Illuminata, The — Ira Rosenberg
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Illuminata, The: diamond on loan from the British Museum. Stolen from Sunnydale Museum by the Trio. Rumoured to have quasi-magical powers. The Trio used it to create an invisibility ray. See also Rusty.
Inca Mummy Girl: see Inca Princess.
Inca Princess: 500 years ago the Incas chose a teenage girl to become their princess. They then buried her alive as a sacrifice to the Mountain God. A cursed seal was placed in her tomb, and once broken the mummy awoke! In order to stay alive, she drained the life force from those she kissed. See also Rodney Munsen, and Ampata.
Inhibitor: tiny device like a bug that Warren attached to Buffy. Caused her to experience time shifts. The Trio made it self-destruct as soon as Buffy discovered it.
Initiative, The: secret military operation run by the government, who had a hidden base beneath Lowell House. Headed by Professor Maggie Walsh, they recruited members of UC Sunnydale as secret soldiers. They planted secret cameras in the rooms of their recruits, and put experimental drugs in their food to make them faster and stronger. Its mission was to capture and experiment on demons and vampires. Spike was captured by The Initiative, but managed to escape. They named him Hostile Seventeen, and implanted a behavioural modification chip in his head. The Initiative’s real mission was Project 314. See also Hostile Sub-Terrestrials, Hostile Seventeen, The Pit, HST containment area, Doctor Angleman, com cam, tracer, Adam and Alpha code blue.
Invisibility ray: developed by the Trio using The Illuminata. They accidentally shot Buffy with it, and she became invisible. The invisibility ray was unstable, and everything that they it on eventually disintegrated. See also Doris Kroeger.
Invoked the Great Roofy Spirit: cast a spell.
Ira Rosenberg: see Rosenberg, Ira.
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