Hellmouth Central

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Rolling Stone Says Joss & Eliza Are Cool

Someone apparently needs to inform Rolling Stone that they themselves haven't been cool since 1972. Regardless, they say Joss Whedon (seen to the left looking like if Crocodile Dundee did his clothes shopping at...

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Join Us at Sci-Fi Summer Con!

Do you like sci-fi? Do you like showing off your geeky-ness? Well, the start of the summer convention season always begins at Sci-Fi Summer Con in Marietta, GA. Sci-Fi Summer Con is a smaller...

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Lesbians LOVE The Whedon-Verse!

Everybody's favorite sexual preference — Lesbians (of course) — just named their Hot 100 at AfterEllen.com (much in the same vein as FHM except with additions like the entire F'N cast of the L...

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In Tribute: Best Doyle Moments

Glenn Quinn would have been 38 today. He died of a heroin overdose on December 3, 2002. From all accounts Glenn was a nice guy and a professional. Even though he was only in...

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Editor’s Rant: Stop the MADNESS!

I guess it's time to finally mention that this whole "Save Dollhouse before it even airs" campaign business is friggin' ridiculous. As a fan, I know all too well that Fox likes to knock...

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RUNAWAYS: Running to a Movie Theatre Near You!

Lame title, indeed. Just when you were going, "What the hell is taking so long with Runaways #30??!!" comes the ultra, ultra (that's 2 ULTRA'S, yeah!) cool news that the friggin' fabulous comic book...