Join Us at Sci-Fi Summer Con!
Do you like sci-fi? Do you like showing off your geeky-ness? Well, the start of the summer convention season always begins at Sci-Fi Summer Con in Marietta, GA. Sci-Fi Summer Con is a smaller convention featuring panel discussions, games, film screenings and more! You can buy up a whole lot of geeky toys, t-shirts and more in the dealer room as well. Think Dragon*Con or ComiCon, except smaller and more of an audience participation atmosphere.
HMC's very own Eric "El Presidente" Hendrix and Jennifer "Brittney Parker" Hendrix will be hosting four panels. The panels include, "Taking Out The Trash: A Discussion on Dexter", "Story Closed and Secrets Told: The Conclusion of Harry Potter", "The Other Harry: The Dresden Files Universe", and "The Plot Thickens: Heroes Season 2".
It all starts June 6th at the Crown Plaza Atlanta-Marietta in Marietta, GA and ends on June 8th.
For more information on the hotel and tickets, check out the official Sci-Fi Summer Con website by clicking here. Also, click "read more" to check out the other posters for the discussion panels.
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