See-through Spike available, order now! — “Just Rewards” : The Rant
Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10.
Another episode has passed, and I’m really digging the new season of Angel. I wouldn’t really say this was better than last week, only because of the first 15 minutes.
Did it seem a little out of place to you? Through the first act of the episode, something didn’t feel right. Perhaps the dialogue, perhaps just seeing Spike’s reaction to people and things going on….maybe it was exactly how the writers wanted it, but to me it felt a little weird. After the first act, it got more comfortable and it fit more. But for some reason (and I’m not entirely sure why) something didn’t sit well for those first 15-20 minutes.
Other than that, this was a good episode.
I loved the bad guy. Too bad he died so easily. I wouldn’t have minded a two-parter with him.
Don’t tell me Spike’s going to have a thing for Fred. And is Fred the Rachel of Angel? She’s just jumping from guy to guy. The girl needs to settle down, spawn some future nerds with cute Texas accents – not play footsee with hologram boy.
Was I the only one who felt sorry for Harmony? Spike treats her like she’s not even there. He always has, so the scenes work between them…it still doesn’t make it any less sad. I think she will have to prove herself to the fang gang and Spike that she’s more than an airhead. Maybe she’ll turn out to be like Cordelia and grow as a person…err…vampire. The possibilities are there for the future.
I’m still paying attention to Wesley screentime. Not a whole hell of a lot this week. I’ll continue to focus on it, because I’m obsessive that way.
I did like the re-edited Buffy/Spike scene, and I thought it was very cool that the WB was allowed to show that. It was also interesting to know that in whedonverse time, it had only been 19 days since Sunnydale went blooey.
We learned more about what Spike is…or isn’t. With Fred’s help, I’d wager we’ll understand more about in the weeks to come.
Looking at the preview for next week’s episode, it appears we’re already getting a monster of the week.
Final Verdict: With the exception of a couple scenes in the first act, I liked it. Spike and Angel playing off each other was the most entertaining aspect and I want to see more scenes such as the one out in the W&H garage.
Rating: 3 STAKES
Rant Over.
– Matt
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