Skinny Girls
HI! It’s me. Again. I know you are all so thrilled to hear from me again. I’ve been out of town doing my thing. You know, getting laid. I had some good sex too. Anyway, I’ve got a beef to settle with a lot of you. I come back on the website and I noticed something when I was going thru some of the older comments. You bastards are all obsessed and seemingly with one thing and I’m concerned because I keep seeing a reoccurring theme: weight issues. This topic has been beat into the ground. I want to know something. What the hell is wrong with you people? You are all freaking insane. You fat asses are going to cause the ones of us who exercise and eat right to be fat like you because all you have to do is sit there and bitch about those of us who aren’t fat. You are going to give us a complex. I mean jealous much? That’s the only reason I can think of for you crazy assed people acting the way you do. You talk about how superficial Hollywood is. Well how about you? You people are starting to act like those bitches in high school (you know who you are) who sat there and bitched about the pretty skinny girls getting all the dates. These bitches were… um, how I put this delicately- fat. What? This is Brittany. I don’t put anything delicately. But back to my point about the fat bitches in high school that were basically jealous of the hot thin girls getting dates with the “good-looking” guys. You know what? We can’t help being good looking because God decided to shine sown on us and give us good genes. Just because we lucked out and you didn’t doesn’t mean that you have to blame us for your poor attitude about life and skinny people. Your attitude and personality is really what makes you pretty or ugly. You can have the most beautiful person on earth have the ugliest disposition and that will make you uglier than the worst physically deformed person on earth and that person probably has a great personality. I mean if you’re butt-ugly you’ve got to have something going for you. Let’s face it: people are attracted by looks first and personality second. I’m sorry, but that’s life. Get over it.
As one of those "skinny girls" ooh God forbid, you know some of us are naturally that way you know, I am so sick of those of you who keep bringing up the skinny issue. And no, Amber Benson is not 'fat' to use the term loosely. She has got a set of hips from hell, yes, but that just makes her wide. That's the way some people are built. I personally like my women with a little meat on their bones. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. And while I'm on top of the soap box, come on, some of you DO NOT need to be wearing the clothes that y'all are wearing. Because I mean, just because it comes in your size does NOT mean the rest of us want to see the rolls people. You'd have much of a better chance of landing a date if you at least tried to look nice. Acting that way wouldn’t be a bad choice either. I take that back. Learning to be a better person wouldn’t hurt you at all. The issue that I have is when certain ones of you who are overweight begin to talk down about those of us who aren't. It's never seemed to occur to you that we might like to work out and might liked our French fries baked instead of drenched in grease from McDonald’s or Checkers. I like eating just carrots or tomatoes with some salt on them. I might have higher blood pressure when I'm older but I am not going to die from a massive stroke because I was too lazy to go out and go for a run even once a week. (Plus, you do get a chance to meet people from every walk of life if you go to say the park to do it not just skinny people that have eating disorders, you meet overweight people that have great personalities that are trying to make a change in their lives for the better. It might be because their doctor told them that they wouldn't live to see their kids grow up if they didn't, but at least they're trying to change the damage that's already been done before things get worse. Those of you that are just too damn lazy to have the inclination to get off your sorry asses and go do something about your weight problem, I have no sympathy for. There's no reason for it. I understand you don't have the time, believe me. But not making the time now won't make you family and friends miss you any less when you’re not around to bitch about people who don't have the weight problem that you do. I guess what I'm trying to say is do something about it. Stop being jealous just because your spouse/partner checked out that toothpick in front of you because I mean we already know that if he checked her out, you 9 out of 10 times noticed her before he did. Looking is not illegal, however fornication and adultery are. That toothpick might have worked her ass off for her lithe little body. You never know.
Next, yes, we have more eating disorders than most countries, and yes, the media puts an emphasis on the skinny people. When I was in high school, I had a teacher that thought I had an eating disorder even though I didn’t just because she was fat and I was under weight. I can’t help that my weight didn’t catch up to my tallness until I hit that freshman fifteen and I filled out in all the right places. That’s what happens. My point being, not everyone skinny has an eating disorder. Some people that are larger do though. Look at Karen Carpenter. What sent her over the edge was a comment made by the media calling her chubby, when there was absolutely nothing wrong with her.
Something else though, a recent figure showed that like 60% of our country is overweight, in a perverse way they could be helping us out. But you fat asses aren’t helping matters either. We go from one end of the spectrum to another. There are very few members of the population in their target weight. That I see as a problem. If you are, you’ve most likely worked for it.
In closing, quit your bitching and do something about your own problem. May it be personality, weight, or whatever…
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