Tagged: james marsters

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Happy Birthday, James Marsters!

We here at HMC would like to wish James Marsters a very, very Happy Birthday. The guy just gets better looking with age, doesn't he? Why, he could definitely still play a 25 year...

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Alan Tudyk coming to Dragon*Con

Alan Tudyk is coming to Dragon*Con now. This now increases the Whedon-Verse count to 5. The other guests include James Marsters, Nathan Fillion, Jewel Staite and Morena Baccarin. If you've ever been to Dragon*Con...

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Nathan Fillion to be at Dragon*Con: Be Afraid

Let me get this straight….James Marsters AND Nathan Fillion will be appearing at Dragon*Con? Oh Jesus….Sweet, Sweet Jesus, please save us from the implosion of the planet. I don't know if we can handle...

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HMC’s EXCLUSIVE Interview with Drusilla!

She's the high priestess of darkness, the visionary minister of vampires, and generally insane….she's Drusilla. I just happened to be in a back alley in Prague (don't ask why) when I found her having...

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Editor’s Rant: Stop the MADNESS!

I guess it's time to finally mention that this whole "Save Dollhouse before it even airs" campaign business is friggin' ridiculous. As a fan, I know all too well that Fox likes to knock...