Nathan Fillion to be at Dragon*Con: Be Afraid
Let me get this straight….James Marsters AND Nathan Fillion will be appearing at Dragon*Con?
Oh Jesus….Sweet, Sweet Jesus, please save us from the implosion of the planet. I don't know if we can handle the pure geeky fangirl energy that will be pushed to the breaking point in Atlanta, GA on August 29th.
The Dragon*Con website is reporting that Nathan Fillion has signed on as a guest just 12 days before the convention. If I tabulate all the data, check the weather patterns and drink about 4 and a half cans of Red Bull, I will have figured out that this means we're doomed in…
…12 days. Shit. Did I really need to do all that?
I have to say, I am now so glad I'm not going this year. Do you REALIZE how CRAZY it's going to be now? James Marsters AND Nathan Fillion….at the same convention that in a bad year holds at least 25,000 people? Double that last year at least……probably triple it this year. I would be scared to walk anywhere. And the elevators. My God. The Elevators.
The apocalypse begins August 29th in Atlanta. Who would've thought it would all end there?
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