Two To Go / Grave: The Rant
Warning: Spoiler-ish talk about episodes that aired this week.
Rant time…
Two To Go/Grave
Wowee. What a finale. It had a little bit of everything.
Petrie and Fury, who would’ve thought? I mean, we know they’re a couple of great writers, but this is normally Joss’ job – the finales. They didn’t disappoint….
….well, maybe once. Spike winning his soul. Poof, he wins it from an African Demon in a cave….just poof.
So maybe Joss has finally decided to give the majority what they “want” instead of what they “need”. I, for one, didn’t want this. But I’ll wait and watch, and then start screaming…wait, no….I’ll just ignore it.
Spike went from the Big Bad, to a caged Big bad, to a prissy whipping boy for the Slayer, to Angel:Part 2. I guess he just keeps getting worse. Poor fella.
Dawn sure has grown up. I was actually cheering Dawn. That doesn’t happen. Like I mentioned on the board last night, I might have to take down the “House of Whine”, or start calling it the “Old House of Whine”. Michelle T did a terrific job last night.
Speaking of terrific jobs – Aly and Nick. My God. I could watch that scene forever. Those two hit a home run. “I still love you”, *ZAP* “I still love you”. The Buffy metaphor – Friendship and love are powerful things. Very true.
Giles returns with a bang. Ol’ Ripper still has a few rounds left in him, and I’m so glad we got to see ASH again on this side of the Atlantic. Bring him back more often!
What’s Anya going to do now? She’s proven she’s not going to hurt Xander, and that she still deep down still loves him. Will she make a move, and what will Xander say if she does? Afterall, she is technically a demon.
A little foreshadowing, perhaps? Buffy to Dawn – (paraphrasing) “I want to watch her grow up. She’s gonna be so beautiful, so powerful”. Interesting. Maybe we’re supposed to get all hyped up for a spin-off Dawn show, maybe not…
I will say this – after the last couple of weeks, I wouldn’t mind. Dawn’s growing on me. I think she’s growing on everyone. Just stay away from the whining, and we’ll all fall in love with her eventually.
“Here we are now. Entertain us.” Do a cheer for someone who remembers Nirvana.
Xander was the hero. THE HERO! I said this on the board, but….YES! It’s about damn time. Give it up for the Xan-Man.
Rating: 4 STAKES
I gave the episode a 3 3/4 on the board, but I remember we only go by solid numbers at HC. So it’s a 4. The only part I’m disappointed in is the very end of it, but it wasn’t bad enough to garner anything lower than excellent.
Angel rant coming later today.
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