The Confusing Future of BtVS
Warning: Spoiler-ish towards the cast and the future of the show.
So who will you believe? 2 days ago, Nicholas Brendon said that Season 7 would be the last season. Then yesterday, Joss Whedon talked to E!Online and stated that “Next season will be the end. And if there’s another season, that’ll be the end too.” If Whedon is being honest with us, that would basically mean that he has no idea.
My feeling on the subject is this – it’s over if Sarah Michelle Gellar says it’s over.
For the past few months we’ve heard rumors going around that Michelle Tractenberg would be the lead of a Buffy spin-off. But really, we should wait for that instead of jumping to conclusions. There’s no real evidence of a future Dawn The Vampire Slayer, nor should there be. SMG has not made it entirely clear as to whether or not she wants to move on after next season. So why should we push her even further with her feelings towards the subject by hyping a new show, or even speculating on a new show that we have no evidence of?
Gellar has been stating for the last few months that if the storyline stays fresh, she’s likely to stay. I think that’s just actor-speak. I honestly think it comes down to how many feature film roles she gets between now and May 2003. If her film career takes off, bon voyage Sunnydale.
Nick Brendon might have been baited into saying things he wouldn’t usually say by the australian website, but he could’ve been stating what he *thought* was going to happen – or his perception of the mood of the crew and the producers. It’s very unclear at this point.
What do I think? I think Season 7 will be the last, but that isn’t final. Just like the cast and crew of the show, from my viewpoint, the future is not definite.
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