Unleash the stink. — “Unleashed” : The Rant
Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10.
– Ok, Gunn sure is defending himself quickly these days. My prediction: the new big bad for the season. Not so much a prediction as a totally uninformed guess.
– Angel killed the werewolf with Wes’ pen. How did he know that the werewolf couldn’t have been Oz? He could’ve killed frickin’ Oz. Of course it wasn’t Oz, but you see my point.
– And isn’t killing a werewolf *almost* like killing a human being? I mean, they’re only werewolves for 3 days a month. Angel didn’t hesitate. He sure is killing a lot of humans lately.
– I liked the werewolf girl scene with her family in the kitchen, but haven’t we already done this before? It seems a tad recycled.
– Is it just me or did Spike seem REALLY annoying in this episode? Until that ending scene with Fred, he was hanging around and getting an insult or two in, and then fading away. Please tell me there will be a little more to Spike than quippy-insult ghost boy. Because this schtick isn’t cutting it with me.
– I’m telling you right now — Fred is the most interesting and entertaining character for the first 3 episodes of the season. That could all change, but for now she is. The scene with her being Nina’s “friend” during her conversation with Nina’s sister was excellent. And the scenes with Spike have been the best ones of the season so far.
– So Angel saves Nina from being a cuisine, but lets them have the evil scientist. Yet another human being Angel basically kills. What’s up with that?
Final Verdict: I wasn’t too impressed with this episode. 98% of it felt like filler/monster of the week. And we did that for almost 2 seasons. Don’t you think it’s about time to end that stuff and get to a fun arc? I guess it starts next week with a Spike-centric ep, but I really wanted more out of “Unleashed”. In the end it was mediocore and bland.
Rating: 2 1/2 STAKES
Rant Over.
– Matt
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