Lessons: The Rant
Rant time is finally here.
Lessons – One line opinions
– I haven’t been spoiled very much, and I don’t want to be. Don’t give me explanations if I ask questions that you can answer by looking at spoilers. Thanks.
– The girl in Istanbul…well…I don’t know what it means, but it looks interesting. And it shows that this season will be all about the story arc. Thank Joss.
– Is it just me or did this episode feel like, “Scoobies: The Next Generation”? I’d say a good 40 minutes was devoted to Dawn and her new friends fighting off those spirits.
– Xander looking all business-like. Thus proving that this season will be about the gang becoming adults in the right way, instead of the “I’m a junkie, I’m leaving you at the altar, It’s all about me, and I slept with a vamp to feel.”
– Willow and Giles first scene was amazingly beautiful. Their second scene seemed forced.
– Buffy becoming a counselor – kind of contrived and sure as hell hokey. Why do it that way? Oh well, it might be fun.
– Spike is a little nuts. The last time we saw a vampire with a soul a little nuts, he was being tormented by “The First Evil”. A spirit older than time, that could morph into anything or anybody. That’s my guess as to who the big bad is this season.
– I don’t like the thought that people are saying Buffy is the big bad. And really, it doesn’t make much sense. Unless she turns evil on a dime. They will need to explain in long detail.
– Back to Spike. Loved the hair. Tearing one’s heart out is so passe, however.
– The morphing of all the big bads – cool. The only part I think I’m not gonna like is this whole theory about Buffy being evil. I don’t think it’s going to fly.
– Anya – WHAT’S WITH THE GRANNY SHIRT???! I thought that at any moment she was going to hit Halfrek with a ruler and then tell her to go find her “depends”.
“Lessons” Rating: 2 1/2 out of 4.
Final Verdict: A lot of it was mystery that will slowly progress into probably something cool. But many of the scenes didn’t feel like BtVS at all. They felt like something new that won’t ever be the same as what it once was. Dawn was in many more scenes in this ep, and maybe it was just because it was Dawn-centric, but it kind of tells the tale when it’s a Dawn-centric eppie as the first one of the season.
– Mac
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