Precious. Must Have My Precious…. — Sacrifice: The Rant
Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10.
– What’s the matter with kids today? For instance, Connor is being brainwashed by his own daughter, a million year old evil in a 30 year old lady’s body. He doesn’t believe his 200 year old Vampire father with a soul, or the spirit of his dead Vampire mother. Meanwhile, his half-demon girlfriend is laying in a coma still out of it from giving birth to the aforementioned 30 year old lady. Sheesh. Kids.
– So the Catholic church ditched the Jesus stuff and replaced it with “she who walks among us”. Oh boy, and I thought the PTC got mad at the whole Caleb thing going on. Wait until they get a load of that scene in the car. I can hear the hypocritical moans already.
– Was this a silly episode or am I losing it?
– I wonder how much it cost for the gasoline? I didn’t even see Angel pay for it. You don’t think the righteous Angel gang would do a drive-off, do you?
– Jasmine likes eating people. At least that’s what kind of hints they’ve been dropping. All I hope is that it’s the whole green energy bit, instead of watching her sit down at a dinner table eating an arm or something. Cause hey, I don’t need anyMORE nightmares, thanks.
– Ah, it’s sewer time. Full of the usual stuff – people and demons. But surprisingly, no rats or human feces to be found. Hmmm.
– Gunn knows the leader of this little gang. Well then, that makes him able to call the leader “kid”, “son” and anything else degrading the young guy. What an asshole that Gunn can be.
– Angel’s whole “kindling” speech to the young gang was actually pretty cool. It felt kind of “Angelus” on him.
– I just want to say hearing Jasmine’s voice on the sewer boy was freaky. Really, really freaky.
– That spider-legged-looking demon seemed like a cross between Gollum and The Master, but with spider legs. He kind of talked like Gollum too. I have nothing else to say here.
– Didn’t it seem relatively easy for Wes to get all the information he did from the demon? Exposition sometimes looks “smack you over the head” ridiculous.
– The talk between Gunn and Fred in the sewer about killing that professor could’ve quite possibly been the single most hokey scene in the history of AtS. I can’t think of anything hokier.
– AND WHY DOES THAT BLONDE CHICK HAVE A HARD HAT ON? I didn’t know they were doing construction in the sewer.
– I hate kids in these storylines. They always run away and then someone has to go find them, and when that happens trouble happens. Just shoot the kids before they can run away so you don’t get into anymore crap.
– So the whole setup is that Angel has to get into a portal and travel to another dimension where he’ll try and find out Jasmine’s real name, because that’s her weakness. Why couldn’t her weakness have been killing Connor? That would’ve been just fine with me.
Final Verdict: This was kind of lame. There were a couple good scenes, and that was it. The rest was either ok or really, really bad. I think they’re just trying to advance the storyline, but some of the dialogue from “Sacrifice” is greatly lacking and untrue to how smart some of these characters are. See the Gunn/Fred/emotionless shell/really stupid scene for more.
Rating: 2 1/2 STAKES
Rant Over.
– Mac
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