The Website Rant!
Everybody here sucks.
Yeah…that’s right. You…in the back. You suck too.
Ok, where was I? Right.
So Buffy’s over, and we still have 7 weeks until new Angel episodes. So I figure I’d come on here and completely defame other websites, because really, it’s the bestest of all best times. I’m so excited, I’m making up new words like “BESTEST!”!
Forgive me…I quit smoking on Sunday.
Buffy World
Good stuff: Mark rules. He’s a great webmaster. The screencaps are awesome. The guides are great, the transcripts rock.
Bad stuff: 99.9% of everything on the site should be erased, according to FOX in the past. They made a lot of websites disappear a couple years ago because of the same exact material Buffy World has currently.
My rating: 9
Buffy Guide
Good stuff: Virtually everything is difficult to get to, but they do have cool guides.
Bad stuff: There’s no way there “dedicated” server costs $1300 a month, but they insist on asking for outlandish amounts of donations. I’d say someone is living off of donations. I’d also say that there are so many pop-ups and ad banners all over I can barely find anything. Oh…and their message board is shitty, and their graphics and layout are horrible.
My rating: 4
City of Angel
Good stuff: Graphically excellent. Content is alright. I love their membership pages. Those VIP messages rock too.
Bad stuff: Guides aren’t that good. Other than that, there isn’t much to complain about.
My rating: 9
To Shanshu In L.A
Good stuff: Dianna is great. She seems to get new images quicker than anyone. Her whole general area is in good shape.
Bad stuff: Sometimes her frames don’t work well, and her mouseovers screw up the site. Nothing much else to complain about.
My rating: 8.5
The rundown:
If you want to see a good Buffy site, go to HMC or Buffyworld. If you want to see a good Angel site, go to HMC, CoA or To Shanshu in L.A. If you want to donate a bunch of money to look at horse shit, go to Buffy Guide.
I think I’ve said enough.
What was the point of this rant? Basically I wanted to complain about Buffy guide just because I can, and because I really really hate that site. So I did, and you read…and now it’s over.
I’ll be back for more complaining about other subjects soon. Stay tuned for that.
Rant Over.
– Mac
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