Exclusive Interview: Georges Jeanty
Conducted by SevenofTN
When I first heard about the new Buffy: Season 8 comic book, I was excited to say the least. Being HMC’s comic writer and a fan of the comics medium for the past 32 years, any time something I love gets translated to the four-color format makes me happy.
When I found out that Joss was writing the first arc, my excitement rose even more. That Georges Jeanty was going to be doing the art on it, well, that just put the icing on the cake. I’ve been acquainted with Georges’ work for a few years now, notably through his Marvel Gambit series.
I decided to write him a few weeks before Dragon*Con 2006, and to my surprise, he was cool with a sit-down in the ATL. We had a great conversation about Buffy, Joss, the influence of comics in the world of entertainment today, his other work and even Kristy Swanson. The fact that many readers contributed some excellent questions (Crystal, you got a special shout-out) added to the fun.
Here’s the interview, some extras from Dark Horse comics editor Scott Allie and a few thoughts (with a little dash of snarky goodness about Fray) of my own. Oh, and before we get started, make note of Georges’ web site. I promised him that I would point you over there. And you should go, because it’s cool, and I said so.
Georges Jeanty’s WebSite: http://www.kabalounge.com/
OK. Let’s get to the interview.
How do you say that name?
7: First of all, let me tell you welcome and thank you from all the fans that are at HellmouthCentral.com.
GJ: Thank you for having me. I’m just getting to know you guys so bear with me.
7: Absolutely. The first question that I have, and I’ve heard you pronounce it a few times now, could you pronounce your first name?
GJ: It’s Georges (Georg – es, prouncing the es). It’s actually French so I can understand. They actually say Georg (silent es) which is a very frou-frou way in France just to say George. So I thought, you know, being in the South, not too many people are going to have that accent with their southern twang, so Georges just seemed to fit.
7: I’ve always called you Mr. Jeanty the last two years when I had you sign things cause I didn’t know how to say it.
GJ: Not at all. I always thought the last name was harder, but OK.
An Early Look at the new Buffy series
7: Well, let’s talk a little bit about the story for Buffy. Obviously that’s what a lot of fans are looking for. I can understand you can only go so far with the questions…
GJ: Yes.
7: Go as far you can and maybe a little farther…
GJ: Bear with me. (laughs)
7: We have a few questions from the internet in this first section here. The first and probably the most expected question from both the internet and myself is “what can you tell us about the plot?” Can you reveal anything about it at all?
GJ: No. That’s one of those questions that is very tight-lipped. But I can tell you, and I’ve been told this actually by certain fans, that there was a mention of Buffy in the later Angel episodes of where she might be. And I will say that where they say isn’t so far off.
7: OK. It was Rome at the time.
GJ: Was it in Rome?
7: Yes.
GJ: I don’t know if that’s necessarily the place but they’re somewhere.
7: Understood.
GJ: And she is still active. It’s not going to be a story where you’re coming to her going her life is totally different in the sense that “I thought you were a slayer. I thought you were, you know, still slaying.” She is continuing with her activities. Beyond that, I actually don’t know much of the main plot so I couldn’t tell you if I wanted to.
7: OK.
GJ: Joss is very good; the guy is such a mastermind, I’m sure. He’s got this whole quote-unquote eighth season planned out in his head. And he knows where it’s going to end. He knows what the denouement is going to be with this. And here I am just trying to get through the first issue. So, this gentlemen knows his business and I would be a fool to presume on what he does know.
7: Has he given you any indication of, as this internet question says, the “humdinger” of an finale the ending is going to be?
GF: I am told that if they can get it done, it will be a humdinger of a finale. And beyond that, I can not say.
7: Do you know if there is going to be a finite number of issues with this series or is there going to be…?
GJ: I have heard the number 20 and 24. So around there. And I’ve heard that it will be a series of limited series. So while the series is coming out, it will be on monthly basis. Then they might take a break and then take up from there.
[NOTE: Scott Allie, editor for Dark Horse comics, sent me the following clarification to this question: “An exact number hasn't been determined yet, but it'll be over twenty.”]
7: Got ya. Characters? Can you give us an idea of which characters have been put (in the series)?
GJ: I don’t know for a fact. I’ve only gotten through the first issue. And I know that this is a book that builds. People who we are familiar with will be coming in; they just might not necessarily be in the first issue.
7: Got ya.
GJ: Buffy, of course. Xander is still with her. And I honestly, this is more, and I think that this is to Joss’ credit that this is very cool, he used the first issue so that you sort of reacquaint yourself with Buffy. He didn’t cloud it so much with other players. And I’m assuming that as the series progresses, we’ll learn more and more. It’s sort of like introducing your cast and then as they come together, the cast itself gets bigger. But it’s starting with Buffy and going on from there.
7: Any new characters that you’re aware of?
GJ: Um, yeah. New in the sense they’re just slayers. Now then, there were potentially, I don’t know how many, potentailly, there were a couple thousand there. We are introduced to some other slayers. We follow them as they follow Buffy. So we get to know them in that way
[NOTE: At this point, we took a break as the waiter took our orders. Georges offered very kindly to purchase a drink for me.]
7: One of the questions that came from the internet, and you may not know this, are there any dead Buffy characters coming back?
GJ: Wow. I’m not as familiar with the series to actually answer that question to be honest with you. And I think if I was, I couldn’t really say cause that would spoil any surprise.
7: And are they allowing any of the Angel characters over at IDW to make an appearance?
GJ: You know, interestingly enough, that is a contractual thing, and that is publicly known that IDW owns the Angel, and I think therefore Spike and whatever other characters they use, as Dark Horse, well not owns, but they are licensed to publish these characters and they can not publish those characters under contract, so I am told.
7: Right.
GJ: Yeah. I want to say that all the Buffy stuff stays on the Buffy side, which is Dark Horse, and all the Angel stuff stays on the IDW side.
7: Another internet question. If the [comic book] is successful, do you think they could bring it back to the air? Has Joss given you any indication of that?
GJ: Umm, I know for a fact, because we actually talked about this, he and I, that this is a world that is very close to his heart. He is very personal about it and very passionate about the Buffy universe. It’s almost…I actually think I told somebody this…it’s almost when he’s writing Buffy, and especially with this series because he’s actually writing it as opposed to screen writers and/or other types or writers, it really reads like it’s a love letter. The guy really does love this character, these characters I should say. He loves Buffy in particular, but he does love this character and this universe. He very much…I don’t know if it’s a form of escapism, but he loves to be in this world, I know that.
7: That’s very good insight.
GJ: Yeah. I don’t know if that really gives you as much, but it isn’t written by somebody whose just saying “well, I needed money and here, here, this is a continuation of this series.” He really does take it personally, and I totally admire that.
7: Another question from the internet. Are these books going to be canon? Are they going to be canon within the Buffyverse? Since Joss is writing them, is this what “really” happens to the…?
GJ: Well, yeah, that’s the whole point. That’s why they’re making it such a big deal to say it’s the eighth season. Because it is. While you won’t have any more TV episodes hypothetically, what you now will have as a sort follow-through are the comics. So, yes, in terms of canon law, yes, this definitely will be. I know in the first issue they are still dealing with the hellmouth and the conclave that was Sunnydale.
7: Ah! That’s another question I was going to ask you. Is there a new hellmouth?
GJ: I know it’s in it. I don’t know to what extent it’s there. But I think it’s there mostly to show the reader, hey, look, we do acknowledge the last episode or the last season. Here, we just want to show you that. We haven’t just said, ok, it’s comics and we’re going off somewhere else, and that’s it. You never find out what happens or…
7: It’s truly a continuation?
GJ: Yes, it is truly a continuation.
7: Will you be doing any artwork, understanding that Joss is going to be doing the first four issues, is that correct?
GJ: Yes, to my knowledge. This would probably be a better question for Dark Horse’s Scott Allie. He knows; he’s the editor therefore, he would know a whole lot more than I do. But, to my knowledge, the first four are his, are Joss’s, and then they will go from there.
[NOTE: I asked Scott Allie about the number of issue that Joss himself will be writing and his response was “Right now the plan is that he writes the first four and last four, supervising the rest.”]
7: And how many will you be working on total?
GJ: Total, I’m not sure. I know it will be the first four with the possibility of coming back for more? …with the possibility of coming back for more…
On the Process of Creating the Buffy Season 8 Comic Book
7: Let’s talk about process. Give us a little bit of an idea of what you receive from Joss and how do you two work together?
GJ: Well, our relationship right now is in its infancy. So I think that we’re still trying to get to know each other. Me moreso maybe than him, because I’m trying to see…again as I said, this is his universe, and I don’t presume to walk around in it like I know everything that’s going on. So anything in particular I will usually defer to him because again this is his way of looking at something he’s made a career about. Our relationship, actually, he just writes the script and then I illustrate it. And I got to tell you the best part of this process is when I send him pages over the internet, and he just writes back and says “Wow. Beautiful. Oh, I love this.” And I got to tell you that makes my whole day. I’m out for a whole day. I’m on cloud nine.
7: I guess you’ve met him?
GJ: Not physically. I’ve talked with him on the phone and we’ve e-mailed each other. No. He’s a busy guy. All these Hollywood types are very busy guys.
7: I bet with the number of things he’s working on right now…
GJ: Oh, yeah. That whole Wonder Woman thing, I am sure it’s keeping him busy. (laughs)
7: When you’re drawing, what do you work from, headshots, magazines
GJ: I’ve actually got a great program on my computer where it’s a motion capture, or image capture, and it captures the image. I can play the DVDs and it captures their faces. And that’s not to say I trace at all. I take the face, and I put them in a catalog. And, I ask myself, well, if it’s a three-quarters…I actually draw the whole thing out and then look at the areas where Buffy, or the character, whatever character I am dealing with – Buffy as an example – if she is there and maybe I’ve drawn a three-quarter face of that. I will then go look in my catalog of images to see if I have a three-quarters face that I can reference from. And most people go around it the other way – they’ll look for the pictures and then try to create the story around that. I do the story and then try to find the picture that might help me in using that as reference.
7: Very insightful to see that part of the process. That’s a fascinating part of the process to me.
GJ: Ah, thank you.
7: Another fascination of mine (with this process) is to get a sense from the actors to see what they think about the artwork. I asked Eric Powell about the characters that he did on the Angel series for Dark Horse, and I spoke with Ron Glass about the Tim Bradstreet painting. So, my question is, and you may not have worked on the series enough yet, but have you gotten any feedback from the actors?
GJ: I know for a fact that when I got this gig, I had to do some submissions of the actors’ faces. And as far as I know from there, they were like “yeah, everything is fine.” So it’s one of things I guess if you don’t hear anything, you’re doing good, but if you do hear something, it’s like “oh, you need to change this, you need to change this.” I will say that the editor, Scott Allie, has been doing Buffy books for so long that he has an eye. He’ll go “I know what legal…” And I think it’s more 20th Century Fox that has to do all of the approval. He’ll be able to go “well, 20th Century will like this, they won’t like this.” He knows what they’ll go for, and he knows how to, I guess, make that red tape a lot shorter.
7: And you said he’s here as well, right?
GJ: Yes. He’s here, and it would behoove you. They are in the Marriott upstairs where the gaming stuff is. Dark Horse is there. I am sure he would love to speak with you.
7: I would love to follow up with this.
GJ: All of mine is more opinion and hearsay. If you want anything official, you have to act Scott, because he’s the guy that is dealing with Joss, dealing with me and dealing with 20th Century Fox, which is very important.
[NOTE: Due to several great panels and my bad timing, I did not have a chance to speak with Scott Allie at Dragon*Con 2006; however, he did follow up with me via e-mail on a number of questions that arose during this interview. Those answers are included in braces throughout this interview!]
7: We had spoken earlier about Nicholas Brendon being here. Are you planning on maybe showing him a little headshot of what you’re going to make him look like?
GJ: Yeah, I was thinking about that, but I hate to meet someone for the first time and make it seem like I’m this dorky fanboy by saying “here’s a picture of you. Do you like it?” I think I’d like to meet him and just say “hey, this is what I’m doing and we have an association.” And if he’s interested maybe going back and getting a picture and saying “here, dude, have this because I drew you and I think it’s cool.”
7: This is from Crystal, specifically, on the internet.
GJ: Well, we have a to give a big shout-out to Crystal, apparently.
7: She had asked “do you plan on changing the image of any of the characters?”
GJ: No, no, unless they are specifically said. Whereas if you were to say, do I plan on drawing Xander without an eye patch? No, I don’t, obviously. So, I wouldn’t think so unless there is something that Joss has written in particular like, I don’t know, any hypothetical something happens…
7: Someone got a scar or something like that…
GJ: Exactly, exactly…
How I Met Your Buffy
7: We had spoken about this earlier, but could you reiterate what your relationship with the show had been?
GJ: Ah, yeah, my relationship was nothing. I had no… I actually, this is sad, the only Buffy I ever saw was the movie originally. And, while I liked the movie, it was just that. I was actually more into Kristy Swanson at the time.
7: Right, right…well, yeah… [NOTE: Me, too!]
GJ: But I thought it was great. I actually told Joss this, I was like “you know, for whatever the movie was, I was actually very proud of somebody who could get Rutger Hauer, Donald Sutherland and Paul Reubens in the same film together and throw in Luke Perry just for flavor, you know.” But, no, I never had any association…I had seen it peripherally as everyone has, but I never watched an episode. I take that back. I watched the one episode, and I assume that he was in one, that John Ritter was in.
7: Yes.
GJ: And that oddly enough was only because I was a very big John Ritter fan that I watched that episode. When I got this gig, Dark Horse was very nice to send me season 6 and 7 on DVD. And from there, it was great. It was like a little party night every night for me of watching an hour or two hours of Buffy and acquainting myself. And, as a result, feeling very bitter that I never got into this, because this is great stuff. And I don’t say that because I’ve got this project. I say that as somebody who loves this medium – the science fiction, fantasy, horror, all of that. And this falls right into it. It’s really great. It does get hokey. It maybe gets schlocky. It maybe gets sappy, but what television doesn’t do that?
7: I told you earlier that I came into it a little bit late, too, and it’s one of those things where you feel like you’re cheated out of the full effect.
GJ: And I’m fully prepared to get the past seasons. I don’t know if I should go season 5, season 4, season 3 or just go season 1, 2, 3, and 4, and try to catch up that way. It’s been a little dilemma of mine.
7: I think you’ll find, and this is a just a little thought from me to you, that continuity that Joss builds on is the …
GJ: That’s what I’m told, so that’s why I’m thinking maybe starting at 1 and working up will help me on continuity. As I watching in season six, there are characters, well and in then in season 7, I know Faith… I had no idea who or what Faith was, and somebody had to explain that to me, saying “oh, well, she’s a Slayer.” And I was like “well, wait a minute. As I’m watching it, I thought there was only one Slayer. And, the Slayer had to die in order for another Slayer to come back.” And then they said “well, yeah, but Buffy was dead.” And I was like “well, yeah, she was dead at the end of season 5 and the beginning of season 6, right? But I didn’t see a Faith.” And they were like “oh, no, no, no, she was dead for a while before…” And it’s this whole thing, and I’m think that I got to get those episodes.
7: And that’s really one of the most fascinating things to think of for you is that you’re going to be one of the first people in the world to see how that continuity continues…
GJ: True, how it plays out. And I have to admit, as I’m reading it nowadays, I’m reading it as a professional artist, but I’m also reading it as a fan, going “so THAT’S what happened to so and so. Look at that. OK. That’s cool.”
7: What’s been the most fun about doing this series so far?
GJ: Joss’s little, and he doesn’t send long e-mails, but he sends little bits of “beautiful, love the work, love the page.” That has been…it’s been really nice when you can satisfy that person whose vision you are trying to complement. And that has been the most gratifying part of all this.
7: The most challenging piece?
GJ: The most challenging piece is keeping the likenesses, and not feeling, I swear to you, there have been times there was like “if I would just trace this, I won’t even have to worry about it.” And Joss was very, we actually had a conversation about that, he was very adamant, saying “Look. I want you to do this, but I like your art. I want you to draw it the way you draw it. Don’t feel you have to do photo reference just to get their accuracy. I want it to be the flavor. If it doesn’t look exactly like them, I’m not as worried about that as you telling this story. If we are doing this story correctly, they’re going to know who’s who.” And I thought “yeah, you’re right”. So I haven’t worried about likeness so much, but certainly in close-ups, I do keep it there.
7: We talked about this earlier, but any idea when the movie [a little hopeful there, huh?], the books I mean, are going to be out?
GJ: I believe, and you can again talk to Scott about this, March is the projected date. But, I don’t know that for a fact.
[NOTE: Scott Allie confirmed this information with “First issue in March.”]
7: 2007 or 2008? (laughs)
GJ: I hope 2007.
7: We lived through Fray, and it took several months between the fifth and sixth issues.
GJ: Oh, really? I didn’t know that. Oh really? No, this is good. When you talk to Scott, bring that up to him. He is making very sure that Joss is getting in scripts on a timely fashion, but because he’s said to Joss that when we do this, this is going to be monthly. We’ll take breaks in between, but the actual four issues have to come out every month. So, hopefully, you won’t have to wait.
7: It was more of a joke, but comic fans who went through that…it was fine when we got them, but we all wondered.
GJ: Very cool.
[NOTE: I couldn’t resist the joke with Fray’s timeline. Georges handled my poking fun with grace, and I was able to confirm with Scott Allie about the release schedule of the new Buffy comics. I asked Scott “Finally, will there be a gap in between story arcs to give each writer enough time to finish their arc before the next one begins? His answer was “Yes.” So, we will have periods where the story potentially can take a hiatus while the next arc is readied. Thanks, Georges, for playing along and to Scott for confirming the more serious question.]
So, what else do you do?
7: Let me ask you a couple of questions about your other work, so everyone can know about the projects you are doing and introduce themselves to you.
GJ: Sure, please do. If you could mention the web site at some point…
7: Let’s mention it right now.
Georges Jeanty’s WebSite: http://www.kabalounge.com/
GJ: It’s www.kabalounge.com. And it’s a web site, and it will be updated with Buffy stuff. I have a Buffy page there that will be updated at least once a month. When everything does start to get rolling a little quicker, maybe there will be more updates. I will have reviews, opinions, and anybody cares to send me their opinion, if they are well-written and free of any profanity, I can definitely be posting them on my site.
7: What other projects would you want us to know to know about that you’re working on?
GJ: I don’t know, to be honest with you. I am a freelance artist so I’m not necessarily committed to any one thing, and that’s sort of a good and a bad thing. Cause while the world is in front of me, it’s also saying that I have no commitments in front of me, either. And right now, which I think Scott Allie loves this, I am committed to Buffy. I am not doing or thinking of doing anything else until these four issues are done.
7: And you’re finishing up work on another book right now?
GJ: I’ve actually finished up work on a book that is still coming out. It’s called The American Way from Wildstorm, and that is a great read, ironically enough from another Hollywood writer/creator, a guy named John Ridley, who wrote Three Kings with George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg. He wrote a spoof, Undercover Brother, a few years ago. He’s a novelist and another big fan. I am so elated that people like Joss and people like John are these Hollywood types. They are guys who have dinner with George Lucas and pal around… Actually, John Ridley was telling me “yeah, me and Hugh were talking the other day…” And I’m like “Hugh, Hugh, Hugh who?” “Oh yeah…Hugh Jackman.”
7: Wow.
GJ: Yeah, we were just talking about so and so, whatever.” What layman can actually say that Hugh and I were just sitting around talking? And to hear that and see that and know that these guys are comic fans. At heart, they know about the Phoenix saga, they know about the Teen Titans and they know about the death of Superman. These are books that they’ve read and loved as they were younger coming up and not abandoning it just because it is comics.
7: Seems like there is a lot of cross-pollination for people that are in that age range that grew up on those 70s and 80s comics.
GJ: And that’s great. Thank God that we’ve finally come to that point where comics have a certain validity. And I think that Buffy will just serve to help this, especially this series moreso to serve as a bridge to people who don’t normally read comics. If you’re interested in Buffy and you want to know what happens to her after the last episode, you have to read these books, because these are official. Like you said, they are canon with respect to the Buffy universe.
7: It’s pretty fascinating for Buffy fans to find out that Kitty Pryde is a huge part of Buffy’s creation?
GJ: I didn’t know that either and it seems to be reasonable now cause Joss is writing the Astonishing X-Men, and Kitty seems to be playing a huge part in that book. It makes sense. When I realized that and started reading the book again, I thought “yeah, of course, how could I not have seen that?”
7: And it kind of brings you full circle. I was introduced to you through Gambit.
GJ: Oh, look at that. There’s this X-Men thing swirling that’s bringing us together. It’s like an asteroid that comes around.
7: What’s your favorite work?
GJ: My favorite work? I have to say that the work I’m most proud of is the American Way, this project I’ve just finished. Only because it’s one of those books, and mind you, these aren’t my words, it’s a book I’ve been told has been compared to the works of The Watchmen and Astro City. And again, I would never be presumed to have such modesty to say something like that, but I love reading when somebody says “man, this really reminded me of The Watchmen” or “this is kind of in the flavor of Astro City.”
7: Very complimentary.
GJ: Very proud of the American Way, and I’m proud of everything I do. I love what I am doing on the Buffy stuff because it’s a level of detail that I don’t get to do very often in the sense that what I’m doing with her is realism. It’s a hyper-realism because it’s a comic book, yes, but it’s a type of realism where you as a fan can go “yeah, he’s got that right”. Or Buffy’s physical attributes are that. She’s not this 36D buxom woman walking around. She’s this very waify, beautiful-looking girl that if you don’t get it right, people will know. And I really pride myself on going that extra mile to make sure I’m not drawing her or anyone involved too out of what they really are.
7: Buffy fans tend to be an obsessive lot…
GJ: So I see. I’m getting e-mails now before I even started the book.
7: …and we tend to learn about the creators of the ‘verse. What’s something fun, as a last question, that we could know about you…?
GJ: Oh, I hate these, too, because I’m never as creative as I am a half an hour from now. That’s what I should have said. Which is the question again?
7: Something fun about you, because we like to learn about people who create the verse.
GJ: Something fun about me?
7: A hobby or anything…
GJ: A hobby! I love to dance. I’m actually, and boy, this makes me sound so boring. I’m going to think of so many things later on. I don’t know. I love to dance. I love comics. I love this medium. Comics, yes, but storytelling. I love to go to movies. I love good television, which was the first thing that struck me about Buffy. It’s good television. Even at its worst episode, it’s good television because they are true to what they’re doing, which I always felt about Star Trek: The Next Generation. There was never an awful episode of Star Trek. There were always maybe OK episodes, but there was never an awful one. Same with the X-Files and shows that really had an integrity. MASH was always at its lowest was never awful but just good. And when they were good, they were great.
7: Right…
GJ: You know, the whole Dark Willow saga took me for a loop because again I had no idea about Buffy and what was happening. And I love, and I’m sure, again, I’m coming years late but I’m sure you guys know that the idea of Buffy has always been this fantasy. And I love the idea that Tara was killed with a gun. It wasn’t magic. It wasn’t a vampire. It wasn’t something that was supernatural. It was something that you see and hear on the news every day, and I thought, cheers, I applaud you for doing that. Obviously, I am sad to see the character die, but they way you made it made it resonated so much more.
7: Right…
GJ: And because of that, I have that memory that she was killed. Obviously, the actor is walking around happy and she’s doing whatever. But that character, you really feel for her because you felt like, wow, she was really dead. And what it did to Willow and all that I just totally love. And realized that Joss was setting that groundwork from the first of the season. I don’t know, maybe he did it a few seasons before, but I certainly know that from the beginning of season six, he had the design, or it seemed like he had the design that Willow was going to go through this arc. And I still don’t know a fun thing about me, to tell you the truth. I’m so bad. I love to laugh. Boring, but OK.
7: I appreciate it. Very good interview. I appreciate you sitting down with us.
GJ: Not at all. Any time you need anything, let me know.
7: And I will certainly let everyone know about your web site again.
GJ: Please do. www.kabalounge.com
7: Georges, I appreciate it.
GJ: Thank you. I do appreciate it.
Some Final Thoughts
You know that feeling you get when your fandom really gets going for something? The way that shows like Battlestar Galactica and Heroes are doing for me right now (and Blade until it was cancelled; yeah, I’m still bitter). And then a season ends and you know it’s going to be a long time until you find out what happens next.
I feel as excited about these moments right now with the first bits of information slowly being revealed as I did when Buffy was on the air. It’s a more unique feeling I suppose than most shows since storylines USUALLY don’t take an almost four-year hiatus.
But here it is. It’s about six months before we find out what happened after Rome and the Immortal. Who did these Slayers become? Where are Xander, Willow, Faith and even Dawn? Who has Buffy become? Why did she smile at the end of “Chosen” when asked “yeah, Buffy what are you going to do now?”
Talking with Georges and seeing a few pieces of the artwork (yup, I got to see some of the first few pages and I swore that I wouldn’t tell what they were), it was that feeling all over again. By the way, from what I did see, we’re talking Fray and Tales of the Vampires level work here, folks.
It makes me want to go straight to the HMC boards and start posting reactions. We’ll be moving our reactions to Wednesdays (that’s the day comics are released on) instead of our old Tuesday spot. Once a month for nearly two years (give or take those few months off in between arcs), we are going to be back in the Buffyverse again.
And I can’t wait to see what Joss, Georges and all of those other creators who come along in this process give us.
Thanks to Georges' site – Kabalounge.com for the pictures in this article.
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